We are a TRIBES school, and follow all of the TRIBES agreements in our classroom.

Tribes is an initiative that helps to create a community within the classroom and school environment. The clear purpose of the Tribes process is to assure the healthy development of every child so that each one has the knowledge, skills and resiliency to be successful in a rapidly changing world. Below is the Tribes Trail that we have been working on.

tribes trail.jpg

Since the first day of school, I have been establishing a safe classroom community by using different instructional strategies with students.

In our classroom, we honour the 4 Tribes agreements:
 ~Attentive listening
~Appreciation/no put downs
 ~Mutual respect
 ~The right to pass

One of our favourite energizers in grade 3 is Shuffle Your Buns!

We are also working on building our Collaborative Skills with our grade three friends. Once we have mastered a skill, it is covered up with a flower petal. Here is what we are specifically focusing on in grade 3! All of these skills help to foster inclusion, influence and community within the classroom!

If you have any questions about Tribes, please don't heasitate to ask myself or your child OR check out the offical website!!

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