Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Who Knew Math Could Be So Much Fun?

Hi friends!


I am so excited for our math lesson tomorrow! I know math is not everyone's favourite subject, but trust me, tomorrow is going to be so much fun! We are going to use our money manipulatives to make money trees. My parents always told me that money doesn't grow on trees but tomorrow it will! To get ready for our math and art lesson tomorrow, check out these websites to practice your math skills.

Check out all the games and play them! They're super fun!!!

This lesson will help to further enhance your child's learning about money. In grade 3, we learn money amounts up to $10.00, as well as how to represent $10.00 in multiple ways. The money tree lesson will have students creating different combinations of money for a specific total. Students will then be using money manipulatives to etch onto their tree. This lesson is really cool, and a lot of fun for the students, because they don't feel like they're doing math.

~Miss Kush

It's Friday, Friday....

Hi Grade 3's!!

I hope you had an awesome Friday, I know I did! My favourite part of today was playing 'Friday' while we cleaned up the classroom and got ready for home. I also loved finishing up our week with our community circle. I really like to get to know all of you through all of our fun and wacky topics. Talking about Fall today was exciting because it is my FAVOURITE season!! What was your favourite thing about today, or this week?

On Monday, we will starting a unit in Literacy on Inferring.

For the weekend, I would like you to check out this video, and think about the following questions:
(*there is something different about this video from regular videos, what is it?*)
  1. What is happening in this video?
  2. Does this video remind you of anything?
  3. How does the man feel when the lion wakes up?
  4. How do you know this is a positive or negative feeling? (use examples from the video)


Family Members...

For those of you who don't know, every Monday and Friday we have a community circle. On Monday we usually discuss the pit and the peak of our weekends, and on Friday we talk about a topic from our community jar. In this jar there are different topics that the grade 3's and I have thought of that we think would be cool and interesting to talk about. For example, this week was Favourite things about Fall, and last week was Sports.

As well, we are starting a new unit. I am introducing the unit of inferring with one of Charlie Chaplin's silent movies, because there are no words. I feel that the students will be able to interpret the video a lot better, and will be able to intertwine their own feelings and thoughts.

Have a great weekend!

~Miss Kush

Saturday, January 28, 2012

How Full Is Your Bucket?

Hi Grade 3s!

This week has been GREEEAT!

It has been so fun and exciting getting to know each and every one of you. I truly have a SUPER, AWESOME, AMAZING, FABULOUS, FANTASTIC class and I am thankful that it is just the beginning of the year!

If you have time this weekend, please watch the short video How Full Is Your Bucket? It is a story about even the smallest words can affect someones day...good or bad.

Watch the video and then think of 1 way that you can be a bucket filler in our classroom.

We will be discussing this story in class next week!

Have an excellent weekend!

~Miss Kush


                                            Teacher Tube

This amazing book will be our focus next week in literacy. The book, discusses how everyone has an invisible bucket, and depending on how a person's day goes, you can either have an empty or full bucket. An empty bucket would be represented by negative attitudes and bad days, while a full bucket would be associated with happy thoughts and good days. This book will further help build the community in our classroom, by understanding when people are having good and/or bad days. As well, the book pertains to oral communication, reading and writing in the language curriculum.

Check out the video, and discuss it with your child!!

~Miss Kush

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Welcome to My Online World!!

Welcome Grade 3 parents, and students to Miss Kush's Classroom Blog!!!

I'm so excited that you have decided to follow my online classroom blog. This blog will incorporate daily, weekly, and monthly reminders for students and parents, as well as any important information that you and your child will need to know throughout the upcoming school year.

My goal is to blog as much as possible throughout the year, but of course, sometimes us teachers do get busy. Along with important imformation and exciting news, I will post interesting resources that you can use at home with your child.

Below is an IMPORTANT link that I believe will be helpful to you and your child!

Ontario Curriculum:

I hope that you have had an awesome summer! What did you do this summer? Did you go away, or play any sports? Please comment, so I can get to know all of you!!!!!

I'm excited to meet you all on Tuesday :)

~Miss Kush

Image Courtesy Maconaquah Middle School Guidance Department